a group of people sitting on a bench with laptops

Gwinnett County Public Schools

A reliable communications system provides a safe and secure learning environment while empowering student success.

  • 国家: 美国
  • 火狐体育手机: 教育
  • 解决方案: 自治型网络, Video Surveillance

Gwinnett County Public Schools (GCPS) is the largest school system in the state of Georgia with 142 schools, 183,000 students and 22,000 employees. The district continues to invest in digital learning as part of their mission to support world class teaching and learning. The advanced network foundation enables GCPS to deliver a secure and supportive outlet for students to learn STEM topics including artificial intelligence, machine learning, healthcare medicine and the arts with technology.

gwinnett school logo
We’ve worked with Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise for many years and they have always been willing to come to the table with a wide range of support and solutions. They are a true partner who understand our needs.
Dr. David Johnson, Director Cybersecurity Architecture, Gwinnett Public Schools

Gwinnett Schools Customer Reference Video




